
Individual coaching for professionals

Coaching for instrumentalists and professional singers.  The individual lessons are designed for students at all levels who need to improve skills in music theory, harmony, sight-reading, ear training.

As a professionally active musician you are constantly developing your music skills, as you are working on achieving better understanding and a more precise performance.

Solfege is a great system. It is a fully developed method of teaching ear training and music theory. Every element is taught step by step and through a system of different exercises that involve playing, singing and writing music.

The coaching is designed so that as you study with me you will be enabled to meet specific goals you set for yourself.


Music theory (basic elements):

Tonality – all type of scales

Intervals – inversion; compound intervals; tension and resolution in the key

Chords – triads and seventh (all types);

Chords and tonality; altered chords

Modulation – by common pitch, by common chord, enharmonic exchange

First and Second degree modulation

Sequences – diatonic and chromatic; sequences in modulation

Beat and Meter -simple, compound and mixed

Rhythm – all combinations of rhythm pattern; polyrhythm

Tonal Harmony:

Voice leading in triads

Voice leading in V7

Voice leading in II7

Voice leading in VII7

Non-Chord tones

Sequences – diatonic and modulation

Chromatics and Altered Chords

Secondary function 1 – modulation

Secondary function 2 – modulation